NetTutor and Specialized Tutoring


Nettutor Logo

In addition to our campus-based, peer-to-peer tutoring that is provided by LAVC Online Tutoring, 洛杉矶山谷学院很高兴通过NetTutor为学生提供在线辅导, 被加州社区学院基金会(FCCC)选为加州社区学院(CCC)在线教育倡议(OEI)的公司.

Why type of support does NetTutor provid

  1. 问NetTutor:学生在需要的时候可以联系到一个真实的、活生生的导师. 课程是一对一的私人课程,学生会得到导师的全部关注.
  2. NetTutor问题投递:学生异步提交问题,稍后返回导师反馈. Questions are answered within 24 hours.
  3. 网络导师论文中心:网络导师论文中心:学生异步提交文件,稍后返回导师反馈. Tutors will ask questions and suggest areas for improvement. Feedback from the tutor is provided within 24 hours.

How can students access NetTutor at LAVC?

You can access NetTutor 从现有的LAVC画布课程中,学生可以访问大多数其他科目(例如.g. English/Writing, ESL, FYE, Math, Statistics, Accounting, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Foreign Languages, Physics, etc). Check NetTutor's website for the entire list of subjects. 学生必须注册使用Canvas的课程才能访问这些额外的科目, and beginning March 30, 2020, students will have unlimited access to these subjects as well. 下面的视频提供了如何从现有的画布课程访问NetTutor的说明:

After signing into NetTutor, what happens next? 下面这段来自NetTutor的视频介绍了NetTutor提供的工具和服务.

How do students use the paper center tool? 以下视频提供了如何上传论文以供审查的说明.

学生如何使用NetTutor白板交流问题? 下面的视频概述了NetTutor的白板技术.

在辅导课上,学生如何沟通数学相关问题的公式? 下面的视频概述了在复杂公式问题上获得帮助的不同策略.

What are the hours of operation for NetTutor?

英语/写作,ESL, FYE,数学和统计导师每天24小时都有. 此外,NetTutor还努力提供对其他科目的全面访问. Check NetTutor's schedule for availability.

What are the qualifications of the tutors at NetTutor?

As noted on NetTutor's information page, all NetTutor tutors have:

  • a four‐year degree from an accredited university
  • a minimum grade point average of 3.0 in any subjects for which they will be providing tutoring
  • teaching or tutoring experience in the American education system
  • the combination of personality characteristics —empathy and patience, 特别是,这是与各种各样的学生以有意义和支持的方式联系的能力
  • excellent communication and writing skills
  • For more information about NetTutor and their tutors qualifications, please visit the NetTutor website.

Who Do I Contact for Support?

  • 如果教师、职员或学生需要终端用户支持,他们可以访问吗 Support 在NetTutor的网站上查找有用的文章或提交支持票,发送详细的电子邮件到 @email (24x7) to generate a Support ticket, or speak with a friendly Support agent M-F 9a-5p Eastern by calling (813) 674-0660 x204.
  • 如需校园帮助,请联系学术资源中心主任Scott Weigand @email.


AHS 232
Erika Brockman and Liza Zung, Coordinator
Tel: (818) 778-2516

The Biological Sciences Resources and Tutoring Center 位于联合健康与科学中心(AHS 232)的二楼,由埃里卡·布罗克曼教授指导. 辅导和资源中心每周开放约20小时,为学生提供学习材料,如模型, microscopes and slides, and supplemental materials provided by instructors. 辅导包括所有生物课程、微生物学、解剖学和生理学. Join us there. Bring your Monarch card.

Ovsana Kazanchyan

Aztec Learning program is a series of computer-based, 提供诊断和个性化学习经验的教学计划. It is available to all LAVC students. Students have an opportunity to study math, science, social studies, language of arts in reading and writing. 学生可以通过CalWORKs项目注册,并将个人信息提供给我们.

Student Services Center (SSC), 2ndFloor
Tel: (818) 947-2432
Email: @email

For EOPS/CARE students only, the EOPS/CARE Tutoring Center and Computer Lab 提供免费的,个性化的科目帮助,如英语,数学和科学. 学生可以通过一对一的辅导课程获得帮助.

EOPS/CARE辅导中心和计算机实验室也有计算机和打印机,供EOPS/CARE学生独立完成作业并打印出来提交. 服务还包括课堂项目和求职的互联网接入, resume and cover letters revision, and interview techniques.

AHS 100
Preethamol Puthiakunnel, Director
Tel: (818) 947-2559
Email: @email

洛杉矶县卫生部门为山谷护理项目提供辅导/指导补助金,旨在帮助学生在项目中取得成功并通过国家执照考试(NCLEX-RN). 这是一项为期两年的赠款,目前正在第二次更新,提供了超过18万美元. 所有当前注册的护理学生都有资格参加提供的课程,如数学辅导, clinical skill simulations in our nursing lab, 临床研讨会,学生在经验丰富的临床讲师的指导下,以非常小的小组工作,专注于提供和管理客户护理的熟练程度和能力, 考试,批判性思维研讨会,辅导课程,以及一个很棒的护理回顾项目,旨在帮助和评估学生在两年护理项目中的进步. The grant sponsors a free NCLEX Review course twice a year.

Student Services Annex, Room 175
David Green, Director
Tel: (818) 947-2681
Email: @email

SSD 为残疾学生提供专门的服务、住宿和课程. Specialized services may include priority registration, sign language interpreters, alternate text production, assistive technology, note-taking and test-taking assistance, campus and community referrals, and/or liaison with the Department of Rehabilitation.  提供的课程包括适应体育,学习技能和个人发展.  The SSD office is located in the Student Services Annex, Room 175.

Student Services Center, Room 228
Gabriela Caballero, Counselor
Tel: (818) 947-2487
Email: @email​

TRiO is a federally funded program that allows service to 160 students. 一旦被录取,学生们被鼓励报名参加免费的辅导服务. 这些辅导课只接受预约,包括一些晚上的时间. 辅导服务是一对一的,包括英语, math and many of the humanities and science courses. A computer lab is also available for the use of TRiO students.

Contact us

Email: @email
Phone: (818) 947-2922